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        The five most common costs when renting office space

        Wednesday, 09:01 Day 25/07/2018

        Saigon Office would like to share with you 5 common cost categories for office leasing services in 2018!

        Office leasing service

        1. Fixed cost group
        Fixed costs are unchanged throughout the lease term, which consists of three main categories:

        Office rent: Office rent is calculated in m2, there are many forms of payment depending on the terms of the contract or negotiations between the two sides: payment by month, quarter, year.

        Service costs: The cost of services will usually be very high because this is the central district of the city should meet many outstanding services. This is the kind of cost that covers many different service charges: Reception Services, Sanitation Services, Security Services - Security, Mailing Services, Insect Pest Control Services, Tree Care Services Green, Technical system operation services, ...

        VAT: This is a mandatory and fixed fee for tenants, usually around 10% VAT.

        Saigon Office cho thuê văn phòng

        2. Costs vary according to usage
        Variable costs always fluctuate according to the actual demand of tenants use, changing continuously every month. This cost group includes:

        Air Conditioning Fee: Typically this type of fee applies to Grade C buildings, Grade A and Grade B buildings are charged to the above service charge. According to data from Saigon Office, the average cost of electricity from $ 1-1.5 / m2 / month.

        Electricity consumed in private workplaces: These are the types of costs that will change from month to month, electricity is paid for the amount of electricity consumed and used in practice.

        Parking and motorbike parking: Most buildings have a free parking policy, but there are also many buildings without this policy. Parking fees depend on the length of time the vehicle is parked.

        Office for lease

        3. Group of costs incurred
        Costs incurred are the most common types of costs that businesses can not evade. Most notably, the company's overtime costs, including: electricity, elevators, public areas, water bills, overtime payrolls, etc.

        Saigon office leasing

        4. Group costs paid once during the lease period
        This is a cost group that requires the tenant to pay one full payment before commencing the rental office, including two types:

        Interior service charge: Normally, building owners will have free office space but will still charge for the service during the construction period.

        Site restoration costs: This is an important term to be included in the lease including costs such as demolition fees, bulkheads, interior decoration items, etc. .

        Saigon office

        5. Cost group affected by the provisions of the Office lease contract
        This is a group of expenses that most renters do not care about but this is a big expense when renting office space. There are three types of costs:

        Determine the area of ​​use to pay: Grade A, B, C buildings only charge for the area used by customers.

        Exchange rate fluctuation: This is a factor that has a direct impact on the payment of office rent. Most rental companies determine prices in USD currency. However, in order to secure the two parties' interests, the rents and service charges are converted into VND for contracting (according to the regulations of the State Bank).

        Adjusting the unit price: Normally in the contract, the owner of the building will have to adjust the office rent after 2 years, the rent increase or decrease depending on changes in the real estate market at current time. in.

        With the detailed information of the 5 common cost categories of office leasing services shared by Saigon Office, we hope to help you choose the best office for rent.

